Authors Unite with Sonny Weathersby
event description
Authors Unite brought to you by W2AVTALK is a platform for authors by authors getting to know who the author is behind their books of work. These authors provides literary books, magazines, podcast, and insight on given areas of expertise via spiritual growth, health, wealth, education, and how to’s that the reader can use to grow chapter to chapter of their lives. W2AVTALK created this resource allowing the audience to truly understand how this journey began behind the authors vision and what influenced them them to share with the world.
Many businesses, large and small, entrepreneurs, leaders abroad have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many struggle with the moving forward.
W2AVTALK “Authors Unite” is a segment built to help others in learning new ways to further their dreams and hear from others that have paved the way in telling their stories.
Authors Unite brought to you by W2AVTalk featuring Authors Sonny Weathersby airs December 28, 2021.
Authors Unite airs every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of Each Month.
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HOST- Demetris Curry